Super mario bros x zombie caverns
Super mario bros x zombie caverns

5.17 Pickelman Bull Pickelman Jackhammer A Pickelman that controls a Bulldozer, these construction enemies will drive across the screen acting as dangerous obstacles for Mega Man to defeat.5.16 Gundrill-Mini Kerone A strange enemy that will burrow up ground out of the ground, once they do they will fire off their drills like missiles, quickly dispatch them otherwise Mega Man will have to face an endless barrage of drill missiles.5.15 Yambow Sasoreenu 2.0 A flying dragonfly-esque enemy, Yambows will attempt to swoop Mega Man while they're flying making them particulary dangerous over bottomless pits, they are very fast and avoiding them can prove rather tricky.5.14 Power Slam Axe Throwers A large and deadly enemy, Power Slams will jump up in the air and then crash into the ground with enough force to generate a shockwave, there is no way to bypass them and they must be destroyed when encountered.They are easy to destroy although can be dangerous around pits and spikes.

super mario bros x zombie caverns

5.13 Parocket Voltspike Hedgehogger Parockets are strange trap enemies that will fly up in the air if approached by Mega Man and then slowly float down firing at Mega Man.They are invulnerable to damage while charging although their armour is weak to allow it to conduct electricity. 5.12 Piriparee Sheegoth Roader GTR An advanced Sniper Joe, Piriparees are able to charge their whole body in an intense electricity before firing it off in a large beam shot.5.11 Lightning Lord Hammer Bobs A flying electrical enemy, Lightning Lords fly around on fake clouds throwing Lightning Bolts at Mega Man, if Mega Man destroys the Lightning Lord but not the cloud he can hijack the cloud and fly across giant chasms.

super mario bros x zombie caverns

If Mega Man destroys the Helicopter the Sniper Joe will abandon his craft and start attacking Mega Man like a regular Sniper Joe. They will fly around trying to fire at Mega Man, they are more of a nuisance in this regard than a true threat although are often coupled with other enemies to make things more difficult.

  • 5.10 Apache Joe Zulu Joe Sniper Joes that pilot armed helicopters.
  • It is often necessary to fire on the B-Bitter while it's hiding to avoid being shot.
  • 5.9 B-Bitter Sapphire Roader B-Bitters are trap sentries which will activate when Mega Man is near them firing off a bullet before quickly retreating into their hidden position.
  • They have a large amount of health making them tough walls to surpass. Red Pawn A giant cannon that fires bouncing explosive rounds, they are very powerful although fire slowly and take time to reload. Their front is completely protected forcing Mega Man to attack their jets when they're travelling in the opposite direction.
  • 5.7 Shield Attacker GTR Digger Dan GTR A very defensive enemy, Shield Attack GTRs will fly from wall to wall with their jet propulsion damaging anything that gets in their way.
  • 5.6 Wall Blaster Swinging Shinobi Metool Large and accurate blasters, Wall Blasters will target Mega Man and fire at him, they don't fire very quickly but are accurate and often will be encountered in groups.
  • super mario bros x zombie caverns

    5.5 Hammer Joe Returning Buster Joe A powerful variant of the Joes, Hammer Joes flail a large metallic ball around before unleashing it, their armour is more sturdy and they can only be hurt when they open their eyes before throwing the ball to see where they're throwing.5.4 Returning Sniper Joe Returning Zula Joe A defensive and often rather tough enemy, Sniper Joes will stand their ground firing bullets after lowering their shield, there's no getting around them as they'll quickly change which way their facing to fight Mega Man.

    Super mario bros x zombie caverns upgrade#

    5.3 Metall Sniper Heatool Yet another upgrade to the Met, Metall Snipers are able to fire from far away although only fire one bullet, they're rather good sentries and their powerful energy bullets can block Mega Man's.5.2 Neo-Metall Neo-Metall Swim Un upgraded Met, Neo-Metalls once unleashing their energy bullets will make a quick dash at their enemy attempting to hurt them more, this does leave them vulnerable to more attacks however.5.1 Met Camo Metall A small, common-occuring enemy, Mets are found all over the place hiding under their helmets attacking with a small barrage of energy bullets if they detect a nearby enemy.

    super mario bros x zombie caverns

  • 1.6 Wario Bomber's Minions-Plugini, Boo Bro, Angel & Devil Elite Bandinero, Lurker (Red Water Dragon), Miner Bandinero, Strealoid, Clubosaurs, Lion Bandinero, Swinging Mettaur2, Aggressive Pink Piranha Plant, Ambushmos, Grernade Bro., Goggley-Bow JoeBlade, and Concrete Piranha Plant, Sleight Bandinero, Fist Kremling Chuck, Skuba Bandinero, Blue Lurker, Water Hand, Volcannon, Jollysting, White Dicemond, Electrogrolem, Dark Tortoise, Molten Mole, & Guragura.

  • Super mario bros x zombie caverns